We considered making it possible for people to cycle both ways in this one-way section of Willeston Street, between Willis Street and Victoria Street.
Feedback from the public in mid-2017 showed 73 percent of submissions (56) in support of the proposal and 20 submissions against.
At this stage the proposal is not being progressed. Further discussion with the community on the merits of using this type of bike lane in certain locations is possible in the future.
We want to make things safer and more convenient for people on bikes, and improving connections between streets is one of the ways we can do this.
Making this change would improve the connection between the Golden Mile and the waterfront.
This type of bike lane was proposed because the traffic volumes and speeds on Willeston Street are low. About 1400 vehicles a day travel this way and the average speed is 23 km/h.
This was one of a series of planned changes to improve connections and make it safer and easier for people to get places in the central city by bike.
People driving towards the Lambton Quay intersection would have a clear view of anyone cycling towards them.
There would be enough room for a bike lane within the existing road space.
The feedback period for the traffic changes (resolutions) for this proposal was 25 July to 11 August 2017.
Councillors were expected to make a decision in mid-September 2017 but the proposal was not progressed.
Read the proposed traffic resolution report that went out for consultation.
We're making a range of improvements in the central city. Some of these changes are complete, some are under way and others are still being considered.
Keep up to date with how projects are going, and understand the process so far. New events will be added as projects progress.
Contra-flow lanes allow people on bikes to ride in both directions on one-way streets.
View supporting documents for improvements to the central city.
See the improvements we're considering for the central city. Following public consultation, some of these changes have been completed.