Churchill Drive to Wadestown shops

The changes along these streets will make it safer and easier to bike/scoot and take the bus to schools, community facilities, shops, cafes, and businesses. This will also complete the biking connection between Crofton Downs, Wilton, Wadestown and the central city.

Ngā panonitanga I Changes at a glance

Wadestown The route2x v2

The route

The changes on these streets will make things safer and easier for everyone.

Key changes
  • New uphill bike lane on Blackbridge Road and Wadestown Road, from Churchill Drive to Wadestown shops
  • Slightly extended and clearer 30km/h safer speed zone at the shopping area
  • Better bus journeys from Churchill Drive up to the shops with more space for buses and other traffic
  • All on-street parking removed on the uphill side of Blackbridge Road and this section of Wadestown Road, some parking retained on the downhill side
  • New mobility parking space at the shops
  • More short-term parking spaces in the bus turnaround area at the shops
  • Changes to time restrictions on some of these short-term parking spaces

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Wadestown changes for people walking2x v2

Changes for people walking

Pedestrian safety and accessibility will be improved with better sightlines and a clearer 30km/h zone at the Wadestown shopping area. As part of the improvements for stage one of Wadestown connections, we will be raising the two existing pedestrian crossings in the Wadestown shopping area to slow the traffic.

  • Slightly extended 30km/h zone will make the safer speed area clearer for drivers and safer for pedestrians
  • Parking removed to improve sightlines and visibility for drivers and people crossing the road
  • New Stop signs at three intersections to reduce speeds and improve safety - Leslie Street and Wadestown Road, Cecil Road and Wadestown Road, and Blackbridge Road and Wadestown Road 
  • Uphill bike lane from Churchill Drive to the shops should mean clearer footpaths for pedestrians

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Wadestown changes for people riding2x v2

Changes for people on bikes

These improvements will complete the route between Crofton Downs, Wilton, Wadestown and the central city.

  • Uphill bike lane on Blackbridge Road from Churchill Drive to Wadestown Road, and on Wadestown Road from Blackbridge Road to Weld Street
  • Sharrows on the downhill side
  • Shared traffic lanes with sharrows through the 30km/h zone at the Wadestown shopping area 
  • More biking parking in the Wadestown village

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Wadestown changes for using bus2x v2

Changes for people using the bus

Bus journeys up the hill from Churchill Drive to the shops will be quicker and easier.

  • Buses will have more space and be able to travel more freely, without having to wait for oncoming traffic or cross the centre line
  • Buses travelling uphill on Wadestown Road will no longer have to wait behind people on bikes 

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Wadestown changes for driving2x v2

Changes for people driving

With more separation between bikes and general traffic, this route will be safer and easier for drivers.

  • New street layout with an uphill bike lane on Blackbridge Road from Churchill Drive and on Wadestown Road from Blackbridge Road to Weld Street
  • Shared traffic lane on the downhill side from Pitt Street to Churchill Drive, with painted sharrow road markings
  • Drivers will no longer have to wait behind people on bikes going uphill
  • There will be more space for general traffic, so vehicles don't have to cross the centre line
  • Shared traffic lanes with sharrows downhill from Weld Street to Pitt Street
  • Slightly extended 30km/h zone north from Marquis Street to near 132 Wadestown Road and south onto Cecil Road near 1 Cecil Road to make the safer speed area clearer
  • Parking changes in various locations

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Explore the changes on different streets

Plans and traffic resolution

You can read the full traffic resolution and the plans for the proposed changes.

Wadestown village and shops

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Wadestown Road

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Blackbridge Road

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