The changes for pedestrians, bikes, and buses on part one of the Wadestown connections route, and on part of Churchill Drive, are being made in early 2024.

Wadestown Road 

Work to install these street changes is starting later in February. These changes will make it safer and easier for everyone travelling up Wadestown Road.

Contractors will be:

  • resealing Wadestown Road between Grant Road and Orchard Street as part of our routine maintenance programme
  • painting new line markings for the uphill bike lane on this section and sharrow markings on the downhill shared traffic lane - after the chip seal has settled and the road has been swept
  • raising two pedestrian crossings at Wadestown shops to slow the traffic to the 30km/h speed limit and make crossing the road safer
  • painting the remaining sections of bike lane
  • installing speed humps on Wadestown Road between Orchard Street and Pitt Street.

Speed humps on other streets

Speed humps will also be installed on Grant Road, Lennel Road, Hosking Lane, Barnard Street, and Grosvenor Terrace.

Churchill Drive area

From late February, contractors will be:

  • resealing Churchill Drive between Wilton Road and Silverstream Road, and Wilton Road between Churchill Drive and Albemarle Road, as part of our routine maintenance programme
  • painting new line markings for the uphill bike lanes on Churchill Drive (towards Crofton Downs between Blackbridge Road and Chartwell Drive, and towards Wilton from Wilton Bush Road to Wilton Road)
  • painting sharrow markings on the shared downhill traffic lanes - after the chip seal has settled and the road has been swept
  • installing concrete separators for the uphill bike lane
  • installing speed humps on the approaches to two pedestrian crossings on Churchill Drive.